Limitless Pill Review

NZT 48 Limitless Pill Reviews: Is The Limitless Pill Real?

Have you ever thought about finding a supplement that will instantly boost your power and cognitive function and make you smarter? What if you can find something similar in the market? Let’s read our full Limitless pill review to find the best supplement for you.

Is there anything like Limitless pill?

People inspired by the Limitless movie have always wondered what Bradley Copper had taken in the movie that made him extra smart and gave him such a brain boost.

Most of us know such things happen only in movies, and there is no such thing that could immediately boost your brainpower. Others might be wondering if it was a drug, a powerful supplement, or something he bought from the nearby market.

However, some sources claim that the drugs that offer similar effects to those found in movies are called NZT-48. Honestly, I don’t know a thing about it. We don’t even know if it exists or not.

But the main question here is, can I find any pills in the market that could provide the same immediate effects as those found in movies? If not the same, then something similar. This was our question as well, and we were curious to know, so we decided to look for it.

We have been experimenting with supplements since 2015, and in these years, we have tested over 150 nootropics. Some provided quick and amazing results but some were just average.

Sadly, we could not find anything that could match the power of those pills found in the Limitless movie. However, during our research on the Limitless pills, we found out some information.

First of all, we don’t believe any Limitless pill could ever exist.

We researched a lot on pills and performed experiments to check their efficiency. We came across a lot of crazy stuff, but we failed to find anything that could so dramatically boost your cognitive performance.

That does not mean that such a pill will not exist, or never existed, but that the chances are less. Even if anything like this could have existed, it would be very expensive and difficult to get.

However, during this research, we came across supplements that provide quick and long-lasting benefits with better cognitive performance and fewer side effects.

We experimented on this supplement and compared it with others, and came out with something that will be surprising to you.

Limitless Pill Review:

Whenever talking about Limitless Pill, we can never forget to mention Modafinil. It is a kind of ‘’smart drug’’, and many people think it is the true Limitless Pill.

Modafinil is a drug used for treating narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. However, you will always need to consult your doctor before starting it as it is not legal in some countries. You will always need a prescription before buying it.

If you are a healthy individual with no disorders mentioned above, Modafinil can be a quite handy supplement for you for improving focus, cognitive function, and tons of energy.

Our research shows that it is ten times stronger than coffee. Surprisingly, the best nootropics could not even come close to it.

So, this smart drug can provide you with some crazy benefits!

However, the question is, how could you get more of a Limitless Pill in real life? How can we get as close benefits as Bradley felt in the Limitless movie if getting to the point? Can I make Modafinil my Limitless Pill?

We will be sharing everything here that is based on our experience. It is your responsibility for what you decide to do. As you know, the results always vary in all individuals.

What should a Limitless Pill provide?

Based on our thought, a Limitless Pill should provide the following benefits:

  • Extreme focus
  • Energy boost
  • Faster regeneration
  • No dangerous side effects
  • Lots of stable-energy without crashes
  • Lots of focus
  • Improved cognitive performance
  • Memory recall

Talking about Modafinil, it will give you lots of energy and improve your attention. It can help you focus on your task and stay focused for at least 6-8 hours. You will also feel a bit motivated, but that’s not the role of Modafinil.

As we described earlier, Modafinil has many side effects that take it far away from being the real Limitless Pill. Instead of improving regeneration, it slows it down. So, Modafinil is not enough as a standalone drug.

So, what can we do to make it stronger?

First of all, we need a supplement that will quickly boost our energy.

·        We need an energy booster:

When talking about a pill that will boost our energy, the first thing that comes to our mind is Bulletproof coffee. It is a mixture of coffee, a spoon of butter, and coconut extract.

It works quickly to boost your energy, and the energy rush will last for at least 3-5 hours, depending on the amount of caffeine you have in your coffee. Unlike regular coffee, Bulletproof coffee does not make you feel like having an energy crash. So, a cup of Bulletproof coffee is suitable to keep you focused for the next few hours.

·        We need a supplement for better sleep:

Performance Lab Sleep will be the best choice if you are looking for a supplement to help you with a comfortable and relaxed sleep. It will provide not only a high-quality sleep, but also a faster and better regeneration.

Performance Lab Sleep helps us get a night of optimal sleep, while Bulletproof coffee and nootropics ensure that we remain productive and focused during the day. So, after staying attentive throughout the day, you’ll be able to relax your body and mind. You will sleep with comfort and wake up fresh for another start.

We chose Performance Lab for our Limitless pill puzzles because it comes in the category of top 10 best sleep supplements in the market.

However, we still don’t have a supplement that can help improve our cognitive function. For this purpose, nootropics will be the best solution as they provide benefits to our cognitive performance.

Nootropics come with many benefits, like memory recall, better focus, and improved attention. Besides, they are also responsible for long-term brain support.

·        We need the strongest nootropic stack:

We have tried many products in the past many years, but we did not find any supplement to call the best of all. We are aware of the top supplements currently present in the market. So, we can use any of those to make our Limitless Pill. You can find the best nootropics here.

Is there anything else that we need?

In real life, less is usually more, and the same applies to supplements. We don’t need anything else to provide us with the ultimate performance.

However, if we want quick results with faster regeneration, better brain health, and long-term stability, we can add a few more supplements to this stack.

  • A multivitamin supplement. We recommend the Whole-Food Multi.
  • A superfood supplement. Our favorite one is the Athletic Greens.

Although the multivitamins and superfood supplements do not play a crucial role in cognitive performance, and you don’t necessarily need them. Still, they can help a lot for ensuring long-term results. So, you can consider supplementing them.

Limitless Pill Ingredients:

The ingredients used in Limitless Pill are listed below:

  • Performance Lab Sleep
  • A nootropic stack for cognitive performance
  • Athletic Greens
  • Bulletproof coffee
  • Performance Lab Whole-food Multi
  • Modafinil, if your doctor prescribes it.

Side effects:

Now, you might be wondering what side effects we will face with the Limitless pills. Although our Limitless pill is considered safe when taken in the recommended dosage, there can be a few exceptions.

The probable side effects of Limitless pill include:

  • Brain fog
  • Stomach pain
  • Sickness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

Our Limitless Pill contains many things like a smart drug, nootropics, vitamin supplements, and much more.

The mentioned side effects can vary from person to person. If you want to lessen these side effects or completely avoid them, you will have to take them in the recommended dosage.

However, we advise you first to consult your doctor before you start using any of these supplements.

What’s next?

We just shared with you the secret of making your own Limitless pill as it has changed our lives. By taking those supplements, the conditions are set to work on the highest possible level.

Our Limitless pill provides many benefits and sets a great foundation. However, to avoid dependency, you should keep cycling nootropics.

Where can I buy the Limitless pill?

If you have decided to make your own Limitless pill, you can buy the supplements online easily.

  • Bulletproof coffee- here.
  • Performance Lab Sleep- here.
  • Nootropic- here.

If you also want to consider adding the superfood supplement and multivitamin supplement, you can also get them online. If you cannot choose the nootropic that will suit you best, you should prefer consulting your doctor.

After this, your Limitless Pill is ready! All the sources we recommended you for buying the supplements were carefully reviewed, and a lot of researches have been done on them. However, to ensure your peace of mind, you can research them independently as well.


What is the closest thing to the Limitless Pill?

Modafinil is the closest thing to the Limitless pill. This drug needs a prescription when buying and can boost focus, memory, and attention in any healthy individual. It is a very popular drug used for treating shift work sleep disorder, sleep apnea, and narcolepsy.

What is the Limitless pill?

The Limitless pill was used in the Limitless movie. It is called NZT-48 and is an enhancing drug.

Does the Limitless pill exist?

Based on the current information, there is no such thing as the Limitless pill. So, it does not really exist.

What does the Limitless pill do?

Limitless pill offers several benefits as it increases the overall performance of the brain. It improves memory, increases focus, and also acts as an energy booster. It helps you to work attentively and better than before.

Is there a drug like in the movie Limitless?

No, there is no drug like used in the movie Limitless. However, many other supplements, nootropics, and smart drugs can give almost similar results with minimum side effects.

Will there ever be a Limitless pill?

The current research in the field of supplements and nootropics shows a lot of potential by developing the real limitless pill. Therefore, we cannot really say when a limitless pill will be available to us. It is a matter of time. However, we have a wide variety of other supplements and nootropics that offer the same results positively affect our cognitive performance.

What is a limitless pill called?

The pill used in the Limitless movie is a drug called NZT-48. It is fictional and does not exist.

Is the limitless pill FDA approved?

Yes, the limitless pill is FDA approved. Medicines in the USA fall under FDA regulations.

Is a limitless pill based on Adderall?

No, Adderall is used for the treatment of ADHD. Therefore, the limitless pill is not based on Adderall. However, if taken by healthy individuals, it can provide a lot of cognitive benefits.


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