
The Mayo Clinic Diet Review & Final Verdict

The program is designed while keeping weight loss and a healthy diet plan in focus.This has been made in order to overall well being in the long term. They basically use a healthy weight pyramid as a guide for healthy food and unhealthy food. It also teaches the individual to select the best health option for them along with correct portions along with a consistent exercise regime.  

This diet does is not a “one size fits all” as it can be modified/changed to each person’s individual needs. This diet has been created by certified and well informed medical professionals. It is an effort in order to get people back to the healthy living lifestyle. While looking at the actual subscription of the Mayo Clinic Diet, it can be expensive to get charged for information that is readily available on the Internet in today’s society.

How Does The Subscription Program Work?

With this plan you will receive personalized meal plans,healthy recipes, and a guide for simple portions of diet. Along with is, within the healthy habits section, you will gain access to the Mayo Clinic mobile App, a Weight Tracker, Healthy Habits Tracker, and a Food and Fitness Journal. In th personalized fitness routines, you will get personalized workouts, walking, jogging and running guides, as well as general fitness tips.

There are two main parts to the program:

Lose it:

This is a two-week section of the program that aims at starting the weight loss journey. It is claimed that in section, you can lose at least 6-12 pounds. You will learn how to adopt healthy habits in your lifestyle, and get rid of unhealthy habits in order to kick-start your long-term success. A 30 minutes of exercise routine is required each day in this program.

Live it:

This phase is a long term approach to a healthy lifestyle. This section educates you on choosing healthy foods, portions, and healthy meal planning. On top of this information, you are taught how to stick with your new healthy habits, and are supported along the way. During this phase you will also learn to set a goal weight, and how to maintain healthy eating choices. The weight loss that is usually seen in this phase is 1-2 pounds per week.

-Focus on Nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables: Eating fruits and vegetables in large quantities make up large portions of the meals. Other foods such grains and  fish are in moderate portion and this portion make up the rest of the table.

-Exercise: This is part of the pyramid, because they believe at the Mayo Clinic that daily exercise is vital to a long-term healthy lifestyle. Thirty minutes is the recommended time but people can also work up to this number.


Delivers long term results and helps in maintaining overall well being.

Established by medical professionals at the world famous Mayo Clinic.

Educates individual for the long term in order to achieve good and healthy lifestyle. individuals who need to change their lifestyles long term with an easy to follow guide.


The online program is available to you for $52.00 per quarter and provides common ways to lose weight.Some of the tools can be found online for free and are provided unnecessarily.

Mayo Diet Diet Program- Final verdict

This program has seen success from thousands of people. With the easy to follow guides to losing healthy weight, and learning how to live a consistent lifestyle, this program is not a doubt able option. Because it is so simple, and to the point it is rather easy to follow for someone. Also, the subscription program seems efficient and convenient but it may be the opposite, with the recurring charge for the information that is available to you free of charge on the Internet.


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