iaso tea

Pros and Cons of Iaso Tea: Iaso Tea Reviews Before and After

We all want to lose weight and maintain an ideal and slim body. Iaso Tea is known well for helping in weight loss. But will it work for you? Read the below review to know more about Iaso Tea.

What is Iaso tea?

Iaso Tea is a herbal tea that is considered to play a significant role in losing weight. It performs this function by detoxifying the body to prevent any fat accumulation. Also, the users claim that this tea works best for increasing the metabolic rate and improving the digestive tract function.

Teas were always considered a good solution for weight loss instead of pills and capsules. This is because they have fewer side effects and break fats by regulating lipid metabolism without disturbing other functions of the body.

Iaso tea not only helps you lose weight, but it also performs multiple functions inside the human body. It helps to improve digestion, relieve constipation, and enhance sleep to keep you fresh and relaxed the whole day. This instant detox tea is infused with hem extracts, making it equally beneficial whether consumed hot or cold.

Ingredients used in Iaso tea:

Some of the main ingredients used in Iaso tea are:

·        Papaya:

The pulp of papaya contains many vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for the body’s normal functioning. It contains vitamins A, B, C, D & E, and minerals such as potassium and fiber. According to research, papaya has properties that help to stimulate normal body functions that can prevent obesity. The fluid extracted from papaya seeds also exhibits hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties.

·        Holy Thistle:

Holy thistle is commonly known as milk thistle. Silymarin, extracted from milk thistle, is acknowledged as it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Silymarin also helps in metabolism by reducing triglycerides and LDL cholesterol.

·        Chamomile:

Chamomile was a herbal medicine used in the past and due to its vast benefits, it still has a bright future. Its dried leaves have terpenoids and flavonoids that contain medicinal properties. According to research, chamomile is used widely to treat muscle spasms, gastrointestinal conditions, inflammation, ulcers, rheumatic pain, and wounds.

·        Persimmon leaves:

It is mostly found in warm countries like China, Turkey, and Korea. It helps to lose weight as its extracts contain flavonoids, tannins, catechins, and phenolic acids. According to some researches, Persimmon has a positive effect on lipid metabolism. It removes the fats through feces and lowers the lipid level in the body. Also, it acts as an antioxidant.

·        Malva leaves:

It is a medicinal plant obtained from the plant Malavacea. It is also known as the common mallow. This plant has great benefits and has been used in the past in the treatment of infections, tonsillitis, coughs, and digestive tract issues as well. Researchers claim that Malva helps with detoxification of the body as it has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

How does Iaso tea work?

Persimmon leaf helps the Iaso tea to clean the digestive tract and improve metabolism and digestion. The ingredients found in Iaso tea not only helps remove lipids but toxins as well through feces.

Iaso tea reduces water weight by increasing fluid loss. In this way, it helps to detoxify the body.


  • Helps relieve constipation and improves digestion.
  • Provides a relaxed and comfortable sleep.
  • It helps to promote weight loss by eliminating fat.
  • Eliminates toxins from the body.


  • May cause dehydration by increasing fluid loss.
  • May result in frequent urination.
  • The taste might not be appealing.
  • Increases bowel movement in some people.


Does Iaso tea work?

It might work as users have experienced the effectiveness and benefits claimed by the manufacturers. The ingredients also support weight loss.

How do I use Iaso Tea?

This instant herbal tea can be prepared easily.

  • Boil four cups of water on the stove, not in the microwave.
  • Put two tea bags in the boiled water, cover it, and leave it for 8 hours.
  • Add twelve cups of water to the cool tea and leave the tea bags inside. The ingredients will be absorbed in the water to give better results.

How often should in drink Iaso Tea?

For better results, you should drink 8 ounces of tea twice a day, before lunch and before dinner. Avoid overconsumption as it can be fatal.

Does Iaso Tea contain Aloe Vera?

No, Iaso Tea does not contain Aloe Vera. However, it contains a unique blend of nine natural ingredients as claimed by the manufacturers. It contains Blessed Thistle, Marsh Mallow, Malva Leaves, Holy Thistle, Chamomile, Persimmon Leaves, Papaya, Myrrh, and Ginger.

What side effect does Iaso Tea have?

Iaso Tea can affect the urinary and digestive system resulting in frequent urination, increased bowel movements, dehydration, flatulence, nausea, and upset stomach.

Can kids drink Iaso Tea?

The manufacturers claim that Iaso Tea is safe for kids. However, it is recommended that kids should intake less amount of Iaso Tea in a day as compared to adults, about 2 to 4 oz.

Can I use Iaso Tea if I have a health condition?

It is recommended to consult your doctor before starting its use.

Does Iaso Tea have a return and refund policy?

Yes, it has a refund policy. You can return the product after 30 days of purchase if you are not satisfied with the results.

Is Iaso Tea safe?

Yes, Iaso Tea is safe in most conditions and for most people. However, its effectiveness will depend from person to person. If you are 18, lactating, pregnant, elderly, or have a health condition, we will recommend you to first consult your doctor before starting its use.

Customer Reviews:

Each Iaso Tea comes in a pack of 5 and that too, at a cheap rate. There were mixed reviews on the results and effectiveness of Iaso Tea. Some users were really happy with it and satisfied with the quick results as they experienced lesser side effects. On the other hand, some users were not happy and claimed that it did not work as advertised.

The Bottom Line:

Teas are multi-functional beverages and play a great role in our daily routine and lifestyle. However, some teas do offer weight loss properties, adding additional benefits. Iaso Tea claims that it has all the ingredients and components that help in fat burning. Therefore, it can help you lose weight and detoxify the body.

Like all other weight loss supplements, Iaso Tea can have a few side effects as it may not be compatible with some people. If you face such side effects, we would recommend you look for a healthy way of losing weight, by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

Is there anything else I should know about Iaso Tea?

The manufacturers of Iaso Tea claim that it can increase and cause irregular bowel movements because it contains cathartic herbs. So, customers should be prepared for it and be aware so any embarrassment can be avoided.


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