Why the Elliptical is Better Than a Treadmill

Fitness experts have been debating on the best choice between an elliptical and a treadmill for years. It seems that everybody has it favorite machine. But the truth is, for most people, the elliptical trainer is a better choice. This is not to say that the treadmill is not a good option for a good workout, it is just not suited for everybody. Here are the top reasons to choose the elliptical over the treadmill.

It is easier

The elliptical is easy to use. You just step on it and start working out. There is no jumping, running or curling, everything you do finds you with your feet locked on the pedals and the hands on the handlebars. This also makes it one of the safest machines for elderly people who need the safety of extra stability.

It works the whole body

One of the advantages of the elliptical machine over the treadmill is the fact that you can work the whole body. With moving handlebars you can involve the upper body to maximize your fitness results. If your aim is to lose weight or just tone your body, you might be better off choosing the elliptical.

It burns more calories

Since you will work the whole body with the elliptical, you will burn more calories in a shorter period. This means that elliptical machines are perfect for those looking to lose weight. Without any full-body exercises, you will not see the full benefits of the exercises meant for weight loss.

You can multitask

If you don`t want to use your arms you have the ability to do other things also. So for example, you can use your smartphone while using the elliptical. Although with running you have free hands also, since you don`t have a stable platform for your legs you can`t really use your hands or even concentrate on any other activities.

Reduced injury risks

This is one of the most important benefits of using an elliptical machine over a treadmill. Since running can hurt your knees, it might not be indicated to use a treadmill. If you are overweight, you know the struggles of knee pain and ankle problems. This is why if you really want to lose weight and don`t want to risk any injuries, you need to stay away from running, at least in the first stages of the process.

Completes workouts

Using an elliptical is a good method of either warming up or cooling down. You can add the exercise to your fitness routine. Even a few minute on the elliptical will help you burn calories and will actually improve your mood since the machine is fun to use.

The elliptical versus treadmill debate is quickly turning in the favor of the first choice. With lower injury risks and full body workouts, the elliptical seems to be the best choice for most people. The good news is that it can also quickly become a lower body machine if you decide not to use the moving handlebars.


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